FourWheeler AR
University Projects
This is an augmented reality application intended to assist a user with repair and maintenance of an ATV. Users can view diagnostic information for an ATV in augmented reality, or in a tabular view. Users can also go through two tutorials (offline) in augmented reality, guiding them through regular maintenance tasks for an ATV.
The use of augmented reality in this product allows the user to take control of the camera, viewing diagnostics and tutorials from any angle, at their own pace.
How to Use:
Navigate through the menu system to select the feature you would like to use. For features involving augmented reality, point the camera at the ground and walk around to generate a mesh. Once enough of the mesh has been generated, the screen can be tapped in order to place the ATV model on the ground.
This application is the product of the final capstone project for the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba, sponsored by JCA Electronics. It has been published to the play store to make the application easily available to others for demonstration purposes.
This application was developed on Unity, and requires the use of Google ARCore. Android 7 is a requirement, and the application will work best on a Google ARCore supported device: https://developers.google.com/ar/discover/supported-devices
About Us:
We are a team of four graduating computer engineering students with an interest in augmented reality. Feel free to contact us at capstone@storm-develop.com